Fortnite news blog - epic games' fortnite, 14 days of fortnite. dec 18, 2018 v7.10 patch notes. dec 11, 2018 v7.01 patch notes. dec 10, 2018 the storm king arrives. dec 6, 2018 take to the skies in season 7!.
Fortnite - fortnite servers , Fortnite servers went down for a period, leaving millions of users disappointed around the world.
'fortnite battle royale' servers 'emergency, Epic games is bringing down 'fortnite: battle royale' servers for emergency maintenance, and there's no word on uptime..
Epic games' fortnite, The action building game team players build massive forts battle hordes monsters, crafting looting giant.
Fortnite battle royale today' item shop - fortnite skins, Check current fortnite item shop featured & daily items. auto-updated daily 00:00 utc (universal time). .
‘fortnite’ meteorite hit tilted towers today - 4 crazy, “fortnite” fans abuzz meteor hype today, speed latest theories. christopher groux 4/18/18 1:25 pm ..